Jun 9

ke5pwx_2This report just received from Anthony Jackson, KE5PWX, in his Smart Car, aka  known on the radio as “Smart Car 42” when he wasn’t at RS8 or RS2.


I had a great time working the TDC. It was quite a learning experience and I hope to participate in this capacity next year as well as volunteering at other community service events.

First, a few word about yours truly may help to understand this report. My wife says I am the “Perfect Storm” of impulsiveness, chaos, and obsession. She knows me pretty well, so I make every effort to slow down, organize, and limit myself when I become overly infatuated with a given endeavor. I work hard to overcome these character defects, but I’m afraid they still often come shining through. I get a true sense of satisfaction from times when I can honestly say to myself , “you were useful”, but enough about me.

If I were to advise anyone running a rest stop, or any portable station, it would be to say, “Get organized and fight to stay that way.”

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Jun 9

Thanks go to Shane NS5D for providing a copy of this proclamation to share.


Jun 9

texaswatersafariThis weekend is the Annual Texas Water  Safari,  down the Guadulupe River from San Marcos, TX, to the Gulf Coast in 100 hours, non-stop.   

Local area Ham Radio Operators provide needed check-point safety communications along the river under some really tough conditions.  Check points are down at the river level, often down where you can’t get a signal back to the repeater easily, but where the mosquitoes can find your signal easily.    Hams have to figure out ways to get their antennas up really high, or signals relayed via cross band, etc., while fighting off killer mosquitoes.    (Did we mention mosquitoes yet?)  Battery powered radios are a must, unless you have a really, really, really long extension cord.

Eric Olson WB5ZJQ is the contact for this event.  Call him @ 210-647-3180 if you want to help out.  All check-points are currently manned with hams, but extras are always appreciated since this event runs non-stop.  San Antonio hams work the first portion of the route, and some points won’t be released until Sunday morning.

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