May 7

Title: Field Nic This Saturday May 9th US Hwy 90 West of D’Hanis
Location: US Hwy 90 Rest Area just West of D’Hanis, TX
Link out: Click here

Description: JOIN US for a “Field Nic” this Saturday May 9 from 11am ’til 4pm at the US Hwy 90 Rest Area just West of D’Hanis, TX Hosted by the Medina County Amateur Radio Club. Come on out and see K5AUW Bob Rod\’s fully portable Emergency Amateur Radio station. Bring a lawn chair, some sandwiches, soft drinks, and enjoy the HAM fellowship.

Walter Hock, KK5LO

p.s. “Field Nic” is a mini Field Day set up.
Start Time: 11:00
Date: 2009-05-09
End Time: 16:00
