May 16

theifTo all radio operators,

I am posting this report of two “missing” Heath Kit SB-220 amplifiers and some other ham radio equipment that was recently “borrowed without permission of the owner”.  One of the Heath Kit SB-220 amps has WA5JDU call sign edged on the bottom plate.

In addition, I’m also looking for a “missing” ICOM 766 PRO loaded with filters and a “missing” 30S1 Collins AMP., TS-430S, TS-440s, and other miscellaneous items. I have most of the serial numbers for the missing ham radio gear.

I would ask that anyone who knows anything about this “missing” equipment to please contact me via e-mail at

No Charges, will be filed on those who purchased the equipment, but I would ask for a signed statement of whom you purchased in from, there is an on-going investigation regarding a complete Amateur Radio Station.   Just want to confirm who you, purchased the equipment from and who you paid.

Thank you, all!

Don, N5WSW

Sep 4

burglarI’m sorry to report that my vehicle was broken into and burglarized, here in San Antonio.

They got the following equipment:

  • Yaesu FT-857
  • Yaesu FT-7800
  • 2 MFJ Mighty-Lite 25 amp switching power supplies
  • 2 Puxing VHF handhelds
  • Rigid Cordless Drill
  • Ryobi bit set
  • ECG soldering gun

The radios and power supplies were marked with my call sign (NS5D).     A police report has been filed.   Please be on the lookout for this stuff and contact the police and myself if you find it.

There have been a rash of “smash-and-grab” car burglaries in San Antonio recently.   I thought if I kept my stuff out of sight in a box in the back of my truck, it would not be noticed.   No dice.  

Shane NS5D
