Apr 27

Today, folks using Google.com search engine were treated to a screen that used CW to spell Google. Google is known for changing out their name to fit the season, but why CW at the end of April instead of during Field Day weekend?

When you moved your mouse over the CW portion of the screen (not the screen shot below), it says “Samuel Morse’s Birthday”  Wow, who knew that?  Here is what the screen looks like today…

Google Screen on 04/27/2009 in CW

Google Screen on 04/27/2009 in CW

Apr 26

A few pics from 2009 BPMS150…
Stephen Lasley (SAG 9)

Apr 25

100_1502As we reported earlier, the organizing committee for the BPMS150, Houston – Austin bike tour wisely made the decision to “cancel” day 1 of the 2 day event, due to excessive rain, flooding, and generally nasty weather. 

More than 10 inches of rain fell on Friday, accompanied by winds gusting in excess of 60 mph.  On Saturday, more of the same hit the area.  6-8 inches of rain hit much of Day 1’s route, flooding the minor side streets like the state highways or Farm Market roads normally ridden by the bike riders.   Many of the rest areas were under water or were too muddy to be used.

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Apr 24

APRS setup information from http://www.billdiaz.dynip.com/aprs_info.htm

A number of APRS users frequently incorrectly configure their APRS trackers, fixed stations, digipeaters and client applications. Some well meaning users are compounding the problem by providing “expert” advice to newbies. This “expert” advice has caused trackers to become inoperative, and has clogged 144.39MHZ due to excessive and totally inappropriate paths. Poor APRS operating practices not only affect our local area, but adversely impact users hundreds of miles away. Poor operating practices can cause the network to fail when we need it most, during emergencies such as SkyWarn etc.


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Apr 24

Just thought I would give you a heads up on this. I am taking a very large trailer load of surplus electronics to the Last Saturday Sale at Kcomm tomorrow the 25th. ALL of it will be sold for $1.00 Per pound. I tried this last week at the Belton Hamfest and it was a huge hit.

DMM, Scopes, Signal Generators- Older Tube type gear, Military Radios, Transit Cases even WWII ammo Cans.

I am posting it on Craig’s List as well. Feel free to pass it on to the loacal ham network.

Phil Galloway, Owner
Hangar 18 Surplus
Bulverde, Tx
210-240-4803 cell

Apr 23

fccThe FCC Proposes to Allocate 20 MHz of Spectrum in 413-456 MHz Band For Implanted Neuromuscular Devices.

The FCC has released a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM – ET Docket 09-36) seeking comment on a proposal to allocate 20 MHz of spectrum in the 413-457 MHz band for use by wireless medical devices that could be implanted into the human body and used to restore sensation and mobility to paralyzed limbs and organs. The devices would act as a wireless medical micro-power network (MMN) within the patient. Among the conditions that could be treatable using MMNs include polio, ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease), cerebral palsy, and spinal cord injuries.

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Apr 16

Yesterday, I prepared the April 2009 San Antonio Hams Electronic Newsletter and shipped it out (well, emailed it out) to more than 300 hams in the area.

This issue included the following News Items From The San Antonio Area:

  • 2009 Tour de Cure Update – May 30th-31st
  • 2009 Field Day Plans in San Antonio – June 27-28
  • Current Top Headlines, including April 1st Jokes

If you did NOT receive a copy of this informative newsletter, and want to, please send an email to me and we’ll make it happen.  I’ll need your name, call sign and email address in order to fill in all the blanks for the email manager that I’m using.

Of course, most of what was in the newsletter, is also on this Blog and the rest of the website, if you hunt long enough for it. 🙂

Apr 13

armed1The Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard are co-sponsoring the annual Military/Amateur Radio Crossband Communications Test in celebration of the 59th anniversary of Armed Forces Day.

The AFD Military/Amateur Crossband Communications Test will be conducted on May 9 – 10, 2009. The annual celebration features traditional military to amateur crossband communications SSB voice tests and copying the Secretary of Defense message via digital modes.

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Apr 5

Old Fashioned Ham Radio Operator.I was doing some call sign lookups of our newer hams today (04/05/2009), and found these 4 pages on the web, with a list of 3,004 licensed hams in San Antonio, TX. (Note – turns out some of the hams on the list have expired licenses, so the actual number of “active” hams is a few hundred less than 3k. – Lee)

If you want to check and see who’s who, starting with AA5DB Oscar Delgado Lee Cook, visit this site when you have time to peruse it.

Click Here For The 4 Page List

Apr 5

Meeting has been POSTPONED – Stay Tuned for New Date.   April 16th was suggested, but has not been confirmed.

The next meeting of the Guadalupe Valley Amateur Radio Club is coming up:

Thursday, April 9 @ 6:30pm
Northwoods Apartments #602 ( model apartment )

We will be planning Field Day and discussing the current projects.

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