KARS has filed the following ARRL Field Day Report for 2009
1. Field Day Call Used: KB5TX GOTA Station Call: n/a
2. Club or Group Name: KARS
3. Number of Participants: 18
4. Number of transmitters in simultaneous operation: 5
5. Entry Class: Check only one. X A. Club or non-club portable
6. Check All power sources used. X Generator
7. ARRL / RAC Section: STX
8. Total CW QSO’s: 342 X 2 = Total CW QSO points: 684
9. Total Digital QSO’s: 0 X 2 = Total Digital QSO points: 0
10. Total Phone QSO’s: 247 X 1 = Total Phone QSO points: 247
11. Total QSO points: 931
12. Power Multiplier X 150 Watts or less = 2
13. Power Multiplier: 2
14. Claimed Score: 931 (Should this be 931 x2 = 1862 with power multiplier added?)